Plan, develop, and design a THEME PARK that contains a variety of attractions that respond to 21st century audiences, their preferences, and conveys relevant historical and/or contemporary narratives. Explore the topic of theme parks broadly, expand on the notion of what constitutes a theme park in the 21st century, and generate solutions that incorporate environmental sustainability, positive community engagement, belonging, accessibility, inclusivity, multiple voices, diverse perspectives, and a global worldview.
Take time to understand the design history of theme parks, world’s fairs, expositions, and amusement parks. From the pleasure gardens at Tivoli (Copenhagen, 1843) to the ultimate theme park Disneyland (Anaheim, 1955), these types of narrative environments are designed to entertain the masses and are celebrated as commercial success stories. Fast forward to today and Ghibli Park (Aichi Japan, 2022) is upending the traditional concept of a theme park, forging its own themes, questioning the need for attractions, who the experience is for, and how it is funded.